
TASK 4: PARTICIPIAL PHRASES AND APPOSITIVES TASK 4: PARTICIPIAL PHRASES AND APPOSITIVES 1. Aerodynamics is the study of the forces ___A___ on an object as it moves through the atmosphere. A. acting B. act C. are acting D. acted 2. ___B___for their strong fiber include flax and hemp. A. Plants are grown B. Plants grown C. Plants that grow D. To grow plants 3. Elfreth's Alley in Philadelphia is the oldest residential street in the United States, with ___D___ from 1728. A. houses are dated B. the dates of the houses C. the dating of houses D. houses dating 4. In 1821 the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, was laid out in a design __A____ after that of Washington, D.C. A. patterned B. was patterned C. a pattern D. that patterned 5. The Massachusetts State House, _____B______ in 1798, was the most distinguished building in the United States at that time. A. completing B. which was completed C. was completed D. to be complet

b inggris

TASK 5: ADVERB CLAUSES 1.         _____B______ they are tropical birds, parrots can live in temperate or even cold climates. A. Despite B. Even though C. Nevertheless D. But 2.        Natural silk is still highly prized ___B____ similar artificial fabrics. A. although is available B. despite there are available C. in spite of the availability of D. even though an availability of 3.        The president of the United States appoints the cabinet members, ___D___ appointments are subject to Senate approval. A. their B. with their C. because their D. but their 4.        The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reporters because ___D___. A. not wanting the story in the papers B. the story in the papers the superintenddn did not want C. the public to hear the story D. the superintendent did not want the story in the papers 5.        _____A_____ towards shore, its shape is changed by its collision with the shallow sea bottom. A. During a w

tugas b inggris

1. in the united states,_____ is generally the responsibility of municipal goverments. (A). For water treatment  (B). Water Treatment  (C). where water treatement  (D). in which water treatment 2. Crop rotation ________ of preservsing soil fortility. (A). it is one method (B) one method (C) a method is one (D) is one method 3. ______________ the dollar is its monetary unit in 1878 (A) Canada adopted (B) Adopted  by Canada (C) It was adopted by canada (D) The canadian adoption of 4. _________ almost impossible to capter the beauty of the aurora borealis in photographs. (A) being (B) his (C) there is (D) is 5. usualli, political cartoons_____on the editorial page of a newspaper. (A) appear (B) whose appearnce (C) by appearing (D) when they appear 6. two major art museums, the fogg and the sadder. (A) Harvard university has (B) at harvard university (C) Harvard university, whit is (D)there at Harvard university 7. american actress and the

tugas softskill paper perilaku dan tahapan audit


tugas softskill

Tugas softskill membuat stopmotion


pertama membuat baknya terlebih dahulu dengan menekan tombo s lalu shift+z                    Membuat pembatas dengan mengganti maximum draw type menjadi wire menyeting fluid  jika sudah menyeting fluid seperti atas langkah selanjutnya merender